
Jennifer Pantone, LMT, Structural Integration Certified is a Functional Movement Specialist. She is the owner and operator of Muscle Works Massage Therapy where she specializes in Structural Integration with specialization in the Myofascial system of the body.

Jennifer’s segmental-like, deep tissue bodywork focuses primarily on the areas of the body that are causing the body's main dysfunction or malformations.

She believes in the body's innate ability to heal itself and utilizes her expertise and techniques to assist in this process through listening to the body while initiating mindful communication about the work she’s doing on the body.

Her collaborative approach to reaching the specific goals for each of her clients, stems from realizing each body is unique and should be treated as such. She spends time evaluating and educating each client on the numerous myoskeletal problems and dysfunctional issues they may be suffering from and why, so that they are educated on and part of the healing process.


Common ailments we treat at Muscle Works Massage Therapy Solutions:

  • headaches, migraines, TMJ, whiplash, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries/surgeries, tennis elbow,

  • arthritis, tendonitis, tendonosis, scoliosis, sciatic pain, compressed nerves, knee, hip, or ankle injuries

  • planter fasciatis, neuropathy, bone spurs, or any calcium build-up


  • Vibroacoustic Sound Lounge from InHarmony

    Vibroacoustic therapy is a type of sound therapy that involves passing low frequency sine wave vibrations into the body via a device with embedded speakers. This therapy was developed in Norway by Olav Skille in the 1980's.

    Benefits are as fillows but not limited to:

  • Reduces or eliminates effects of stress.

  • Improves sleep quality.

  • Manages the limbic system (emotional memories)

  • Address PTSD and somatic (physical) symptoms.

  • Initiates your relaxation response.

  • Decreases muscle pain/spasms and anxiety.

  • Shortens healing periods.

  • Resets the nervous system, calms the busy mind, aids in deeper nuerological conditions such as, alzheimers, parkinson diseas, epilepsy, learning disabilities, neuromuscular disorders, autism, ADD, brain tumors, and cerebral palsy, just to name a few.


    Revitalize Mind and Body

    BrainTap’s improved LED visor and headset use auricular therapy and varied frequencies to dose your eyes and ears with energy, promoting healing and overall well-being.

  • Engage With Confidence

    Imagine walking into a meeting or group setting with the confidence and finesse of a seasoned pro. With BrainTap, you can do just that. Our powerful system helps you overcome anxiety and self-doubt, allowing you to speak and present with ease and poise.

  • Experience Restful Sleep

  • Enhance Your Focus

  • Meditate Effectively


Traditional saunas heat the air, which can be a more uncomfortable way to induce sweating. Infrared saunas heat the body directly. Because infrared heat penetrates human tissue rather than just simply heating the surface of the skin, infrared saunas are seven times more effective than traditional saunas at detoxifying the body. By raising the body’s core temperature, infrared saunas can produce a sweat composed of 20% toxins versus only 3% toxins with a traditional sauna.

The infrared spectrum consists of near, mid, and far waves, each with distinct characteristics and frequency ranges. Near infrared promotes skin renewal, cell health, wound healing, and tissue growth. Mid infrared is a longer wavelength that can penetrate deeper into the body’s soft tissue where inflammation occurs. This helps expand blood vessels and increase circulation, so more oxygen can reach injured areas of the body, which reduces pain and speeds the healing process. The longest wavelength, far infrared, reaches deepest into the body, where toxins are stored. By increasing your core body temperature, far infrared stimulates the sweat glands, resulting in a deep, detoxifying sweat that leaves you feeling revitalized.

Some of the benefits of regularly using infrared saunas are:

Support removal of toxins

Lower blood pressure

Muscle relaxation

Improved immune function

Younger appearance

Weight Loss


Improved Circulation

Skin Purification


In a 30- 45 minute consultation prior to any body work being performed, you will experience a brief, yet thorough investigation regarding your own experiences of what your body has gone through over the course of your lifetime. These can include, but not limited to:

  • careers

  • hobbies

  • stresses

  • traumas (physical and emotional)

  • broken bones

  • falls

  • car accidents

  • surgeries

  • medications

  • And any diagnosis to name a few.


An overview of your history can help Jennifer gain a better understanding of how to program your sessions based on the breakdown of your experiences, giving you the optimal body work you've been searching for. You will also be educated on what to experience before, during, and after your sessions, what to wear for sessions, how often to come in, along with personal homework exercises, and optional lifestyles changes if necessary. After your first body work session, you should feel educated, relaxed, rejuvenated, and motivated to help get your body back in the game of life through hands in body work and self care options.

Jennifer believes in the holistic body approach and works with homeopathic like remedies to help the body's ability to heal itself properly.

Her love for helping others has been hers all of her life!

A fact of life : “If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got" ~JP

Save time and click on the printable intake form here.
