Client Reviews

“Jenn is the BEST - she has saved me. I had been having some severe neck problems and after a few appointments, I feel like I am a new man! She was able to fix what doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists were not able to do. While checking my shoulders, probing and feeling, without me having said anything, she asked if I had been experiencing any pain in my shoulder that week. I was stunned that she would know that. Within a few mins, she had solved that problem. There are other examples of the same, just not enough space. She is the BEST. I would HIGHLY recommend Jenn to anyone!! Looking forward to adding this to my overall health regimen.”


“When I look for a massage therapist, I look for someone who goes above and beyond with effort and education to the client. I have been a personal trainer for 11 years now, specializing in corrective movement. I also know massage. Jenn went the extra mile and taught me things I didn't know and explained everything she was doing so that I was tracking her thoughts and intentions of specific tensions and angles.

I am also very sensitive to energy. Jenn has such a kind energy with a lot of "spunk" -- we were fast friends! It made the experience very memorable, I will only go to her for my therapeutic massage needs.”

-Kayla Dean

“Jenn is AMAZING. She is the only person I trust to work with my body. Being nationally competitive Olympic weightlifter and trainer/coach, my body needing to move efficiently is CRUCIAL to my performance and my career. Jenn always makes sure to understand my needs and communicates with me during services, so that I am able to understand what exactly she is doing and why. I recommend Jenn to everyone and anyone needing body work done! <3”

-Abby Miller

“When I first went to see Jenn I had what I thought was a major shoulder injury. My MD had ordered an MRI and suggested I might need surgery. I’m a yoga instructor and generally an active person, the thought of surgery was overwhelming. A friend of mine recommended Jenn, I was skeptical but I was willing to try anything. My shoulder was constantly hurting, I had very little range of motion and no strength. After one treatment with Jenn, I was doing things that before were impossible, little things like reaching for my purse from the back seat of my car! I have had two treatments now and I feel hopeful and confident that I won’t need surgery! I’m happily on the road to recovery and I plan to be back to yoga and weight training soon! Jenn is amazing, I recommend her 100% she saved me from months of recovery, and from the possibility of invasive surgery. “

-Michelle Williams

“Taking customer care and muscle works to a whole new level! Jenn is fantastic. I will only be seeing her in the future. She is extremely knowledgeable, very understanding, and really truly a kind and genuine individual.

I am incredibly introverted, overweight (obese), and incredibly nervous (almost to the point of canceling last minute with no refund) but, I pushed myself. I went. It was the best decision I've ever made. She made me immediately feel right at home, welcomed me, and made me feel comfortable. She was able to break down that "stranger" wall and by the end of the session, it felt like we were old friends.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate her care and concern for my health regarding some spine compression and urged me to get X-Rays (Which I did immediately after my appointment).

The thirty-minute consultation is an absolute necessity. This is where she reviews your information and previous injuries, and provides you with some insight into what is going on with your body, how fascia works, and what the goals are for your personal pain relief.

When you go to Jenn, you are not getting your "run of the mill" massage where it's a campy rub from neck to feet. She really knows how to zero in on any specific area and fix one section at a time. She absolutely provides amazing results.

Quoting myself: "Dang, that spot made my palms sweat! And my palms don't normally sweat!"

For new customers:
* Wear or bring gym clothes.
* There is a hike up the driveway, but once you are at the top of the driveway, there are directions on where to enter.
* Drink lots and lots of water before and after.
* Positivity! Go into the appointment in the best head space.
* If you are nervous, or unsure - just try it. Just go in and see her. She's absolutely worth the time and money.
* Lastly. She's worth every penny - and my note to you... make sure to tip!”

-Kylee Moore

“I've had numerous sports and accident injuries over the last 10+ years and have been searching for relief...and finally I found Jenn at Muscle Works Massage Therapy!! This has been the best therapy and relief from nagging muscle issues that I've been dealing with for over a decade. Right out of the chute Jenn spends 30 minutes doing a thorough consultation getting to know each patient and finding out specifically what the core issues and challenges are. She then goes to work by educating me through the process of what to expect and how I can be proactive in my recovery/healing to get back on track. Each session is planned and prepared by Jenn with input from me, she then puts things into motion by carefully working on the areas that I specifically need to be treated. The results have been completely and utterly amazing!! I can feel the amazing results before I even leave her office. I couldn't give her a higher recommendation, she is that good!!”

-Matt Wilson

*Reviews for Muscle Works Massage Therapy Solutions can be read on our Google Business page and Facebook